Sunday, November 21, 2010

Game update #3

So last week was a pretty big week for our game. After inspiring words about killing bears we decided our game would be more fun if the object was to hit things. So say goodbye to trying to avoid freshmen and hello rampage. This will truly be one Shitty Shuttle Shervish.

A few days after we decided to make this change my boss, a conservative woman in her 60s, was driving me to one of my classes and mentioned how she wished there was a 3 hour period every once in a while where you could hit all the dumb people that walk out into the road without looking. So I told her about the game and she was ever so excited to be able to play it. So we've got at least one fan!

We also met with someone at whatever that thing is called in the Powerhouse. We feel pretty good about making the game after talking with them. It will still take quite a bit of work, but just by talking with someone that really knows coding and flash we were able to simplify things a bit. This initial meeting was extremely helpful because without it we would have done a bunch of design work that would likely not be used.

Right now we are doing well on getting all the design stuff done. However, we are very worried about the digital prototype being due the Monday after break. We will hopefully meet with said Powerhouse people twice before that class, but it may not quite be enough to get a very good prototype. But we will work hard to get as much of the first draft of the game done by then as possible. We will certainly not have any sort of menu, opening animation, or sounds by then though.

A lot of work in a short amount of time, but we got this.

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