Sunday, December 5, 2010

Game update 5

Just a reminder, I'm part of Team JJKJKJKK whose game is, of course, Shitty Shuttle Shervish.

So after a time of appropriately being very worried about the game, we are now on track to having a complete game to turn in during finals week. We have simplified just about every aspect of the game to make it more manageable. We will have a good representation of what our game will be like for the formal play testing.

That being said, we will still have a lot of other things to add for the finalized version on top of adjusting the game for the comments that we receive. For the final version we will continue to improve the opening, add sounds, add visual effects, and find a good way to make the obstacles generate randomly.

Quite a bit of work but very manageable.

1 comment:

  1. I'm very excited to see your final results. I liked your play test, even though there wasn't much yet. It had a lot of potential and seemed to be very fast paced and most people love fast paced games. Keep up the good work!
